Category Archives: Philippines

Chocolate Hills in Philippines

Sagbayan, Chocolate Hills, Bohol Island in Philippines

Legends has it, that two giants were fighting and hurling rocks and boulders at each other, the fight lasted for days, exhausted they became friends and leaving a mess of rocks and boulders that formed the hills of today.

Carmen is the more popular place to view these hills and has more tourist than the less well known Sagbayan Peak. I would recommend to visit both places as each has slightly different geographical formations.

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Finally Found them Tarsiers in Bohol Island

I always had the romantic notion of finding these elusive creatures in the middle of some jungle in Borneo. This obsession has been there for a few years and since then,  wanted to visit Bohol island, Philippines – the land of Tarsiers.

You would so lucky to even catch a glimpse of this inspiration for the Gremlins in the wild. Here in  Bohol, Philippines, tarsiers are mostly captive, easily found, brings in the tourist dollar to the island. This animal use to be so plentiful back in the 1960s-1980s, that large numbers of them were often drive over by vehicles without much regard.

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